Our signature (and most fun!) campaign event, “Baumtoberfest,” is quickly approaching. If you haven’t already reserved your seat, let me give you five reasons why you should sign up to attend, TODAY!

The Who’s Who! Did you know we’ll have Dino Rossi, Mayor Nadine Woodward and Brian Heywood of Let’s Go Washington mingling and making remarks, in addition to amazing Eastern Washington community leaders like Phil Altmeyer, Melissa Williams, and emcee Kjerstin Bell? It’s a star-studded lineup too good to miss!
What a DEAL! Tell me, where else can you get a full German dinner (catered by local restaurant Das Stein Haus), beer and non-alcoholic drinks, dessert, plus political conversation for just $50? For any true fiscal conservative, this is the place to be!
To keep Eastern WA & the House Majority in Republican hands! I am the only candidate who can keep the 5th Congressional District out of Democrat hands, and this could well be the one seat that keeps the Republican majority in the House. I need your support to keep our shared conservative values in Congress.
To avoid missing out! All signs indicate that this event is going to sell out! You don’t want to miss out if we run out of space. So, reserve your seats today!
Festive Fun! No stuffy suits and ties at this event. Though not required, German garb is definitely encouraged! So, dust off your dirndls, lederhosen and tyrolean hats – you’ll fit right in!
Here are the details of the event...Please RSVP today!
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
German Hall: 25 W. 3rd Avenue, Spokane
4:30pm VIP Reception, Dinner & Program - $500/couple
5:30pm Dinner & Program - $50/person or $400 for a table of 8
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